In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent
ICNF Sunday School Policies School Academic Year 2010 - 2011
1.Proper Muslim dress code is required for all boys and girls:
- boys: pants, jeans, trousers, t-shirt, shirt
- girls: loose fitting pants, long or quarter sleeved top, hijaab
2. All students must come prepared for school. They should have the following items with them:
- book bag
- text books
- folder (signed by the parent)
- notebook
- pencil and eraser
- snack
3.The school starts at 11:00 AM and all students are expected to be in the class at 11:00AM.
4.All level K thru level 2 students must be brought in to the class rooms and not dropped off in the parking lot. This is for students’ safety.
5. ICNF does not provide snack and each student is responsible for bringing their own snack.
.6. Please advice your children not to leave the school premises unattended by parents. Please be advised and note that your children are not allowed to play or run in the parking lot, because of moving traffic.
7. Dismissal is at 1:45 PM. Sunday school children and their parents are encouraged to stay for the Zuhr salat at 2:00pm. Anyone other than the parent is not allowed to pick up children, unless the teacher/administrators of the school received advanced written notice, except in clear emergencies.
8. Parents must pickup all Kindergarten students at 1:40pm from the class by signing the form with the teacher. If kindergarten child is picked up after 1:50pm, the parents have to pay $10.00 fine for each child per occurrence.
9. If Level-1 to Level-5 students is picked up after 2:15 pm, the parents have to pay $10.00 fine for each child.
10. Parents must come inside the Masjid to pick up their children.
11.All students are expected to attend school regularly. Planned absences must be communicated to the teacher in advance. Acceptable unplanned absences can only be allowed for the following reasons: - Sickness - Weather conditions
12.If the student is, absent for three consecutive Sundays without informing the teacher, the student will have to be re-registered
13.Parents must review and sign their child’s homework folder every Sunday if the child is in level K thru 3.
14.The options for fee collection:
- full school year payment - due at the time of registration
- per semester - due at the beginning of each semester the monthly payment option will be provided as an exception,
- Please consult Sis Rubeena or Sis Rashmi to agree upon a payment plan suitable for both parties. Parents/Gurdians experiencing financial hardship should contact any of the sisters mentioned above for a discount or exemption.
This year we are requesting parents to either make the full payment for the year or pay for the semester. This will reduce the administrative work of fee collection and follow-up activities. This will also be better for parents and they won’t have to worry about monthly payments. Insha’Allah, we will work together in making this process easier.
15. Every semester the students will be given a test and the class teacher will send a progress report with the students. At the end of school year, the student will take an exam and the result will be assessed to determine promotion of the student to the next level.
16. Level K parent/teacher meet will be conducted on a weekly basis. The meeting will be only for a few minutes but these few minutes will help tremendously with the child’s learning experience at ICNF.
17. It is a policy of the Sunday school at ICNF to not allow children to bring in any handheld electronic games and devices such as Gameboy, PSPs, iPods etc. to the Sunday school. Playing with this toy during class is disrespectful to the teacher, prevents the child from concentrating and is a distraction to the other children in the class. Break times are for kids to socialize with their Muslim class friends. Please make sure that your child refrains from bringing any such devices to the Sunday school.
Also, if your child has a cell phone, please make sure you inform your child that he/she must turn off the cell phone once they are in class. Cell phones may only be used before and after Sunday school and during the break. Cell phones ringing during class breaks concentration and they will be confiscated by the teacher and returned at the end of class.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with theses issues.
ICNF Education Committee