I S L A M I C   C E N T E R   O F  N O R T H  F U L T O N
        1265 Rucker Road , Alpharetta , GA - 30009     Phone: (678) 297-0019    map
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ICNF - Weekend Islamic School Welcomes You!

ICNF Sunday school is provides an Islamic education for the children of Muslim families living in and around the Greater Alpharetta area. The yearly school session follows the regular County school session, starting in the fall and continuing through the winters and spring till the middle of May. During the year children come to the school on every Sunday. The school time is divided into three session classes with a fifteen minutes break.

ICNF Sunday School Announcements

ICNF-Islamic Sunday school

We are proud to announce Quran reading Summer Classes at ICNF

ICNF Sunday School 2015-2016 Calendar: First Day of School is 17th August and Registration on August 10th 2015. For more details please click the following links bellow

Please download Sunday School Emergency Form
Please download RegistrationForm..
Please download School Policy..
Sunday School Parent Consent Form

Every Sunday
Time: 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM


Sunday School Important Notice

Asalaam Alaikum Parents ,

1. Parents please note that you are responsible to pick up your child at 1:45pm.
2. Sunday school children and their parents are encouraged to stay for the Zuhr salat at 2:00pm.
3. Any one other than the parent is not allowed to pick up children, unless the teacher/administrators of the school received advanced written notice, except in clear emergencies.
4. Please advice your children not to leave the school premises unattended by parents.
5. Please be advised and note that your children are not allowed to play or run in the parking lot, because of moving traffic.
6. Parents must pickup all Kindergarten students at 1:45pm from the class by signing the form with the teacher.
7. If kindergarten child is picked up after 1:50pm, the parents have to pay $10.00 fine for each child per occurrence.
8. If Level-1 to Level-5 students are picked up after 2:10 pm, the parents have to pay $10.00 fine for each child.

Jazak Allah,
ICNF Sunday School.

ICNF School Information

 School Information
 School Admissions
 School Calender
 School Policies